
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Freshman Counseling News

During the first classroom counseling session with freshmen, the Countdown to College Calendar was reviewed.  This is a twelve month schedule of "things to do"as freshmen.  We also studied the brochure "High School Success Guide".  Topics covered therein were as follows:  Steps to take in the fall, a review school student handbook, getting to know Mr. Johnson as a person with information on students' academic, career and social  lives within the confines of school counseling. 

They next were given suggestions as to how to continue career explorations, investigate their aptitudes, interests and values.  Their 2010 ITED Counseling Report was given to them and high interest career clusters were revealed.

 Reasons why college might be an option after high school was discussed within the context of employment, opportunity, earnings, four year versus two year community colleges and majors and certificate programs. 

We next reviewed the admission requirements for acceptance into UNI, Iowa or Iowa State.  Freshmen now realize that graduation requirements at B-K are not that dissimilar to admission requierments of these regent institutions. 

The regency admission index was explained. It consists of the following formula: ACT composite score X 2+% high school rank+HS GPAX20+ # of Core Subject Area Courses Completed in High School.  If the score is 245 or greater automatic admission is granted.  Then we reviewed how a grade point average is calculated. 

After stressing the importance of building skills like time management, studying smarter, test taking, money management, we reviewed the school district's Student Assistance brochure which explained the primary responsive structure of both the counseling program and the overall district's process of responding to extraordinary needs of students and or families who are experiencing difficulty in achieving success in school.

I encourage students and parents to stop in to visit with Mr. Johnson on Monday afternoons or anytime during the day on Tuesdays or Thursdays.  These would be good times to merely call and set up an appointment as well.


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